7 Ways To Identify A False Prophet.

7 Ways To Identify A False Prophet.

1. MONEY: False Prophets are mammon worshippers. They can say or do anything to siphon money from you, and they do this by putting fear, worry, anxiety into you. They always present God's blessings/protection as something you can buy with money. As a child of God you should give to God's work because you love Him with your whole heart, not because you are expecting a "blessing" in return.

2. FEAR: They preach the fear of witches, wizards and satan. This is done to manipulate and keep you under their bondage for life. You will keep running helter-skelter looking for what is not lost. Be very careful of any pastor who emphasizes on the fear of the devil and fear of witchcraft. As a child of God the only fear you should have is the fear of God, any other kind of fear is an illegality in God's kingdom.

3. FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: The 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Those who are in Christ are distinguished from unbelievers in that they have been gifted with the Holy Spirit, enabling them to bear fruit. Any pastor without the fruits of the Holy Spirit is a fraud. Watch out for these signs.

4. PRIDE/ BOASTFUL HEART: False Prophets love to boast about themselves. They magnify themselves and talk about how "powerful" they are and how many "miracles" they have done. They love to boast about their fake abilities.

A real man of God would never do that, he knows that God alone should be magnified and praised. Watch out for these signs.

5. FAITH: False Prophets don't know what Faith is. They don't practice faith in God and don't understand what faith is, they usually have faith in themselves and money.

A real man of God is aware that without Faith it is impossible to please God. And Faith usually comes with patience. Watch out for these signs.

6. COMPETITION: False Prophets love to engage their members with a competitive spirit. They see life as a competition, thereby breeding greed, covetousness, envy, jealousy, hatred, corruption and all sorts of crimes in the society. Satan uses them to say "look at your mates" thereby destroying many souls. Even your twin has a different path in life from you. Follow your path not your mates. Life is not a competition. Those without a vision and purpose are the ones always competing with their mates. Don't let these false prophets pressurize you into self-destruction.

7. INQUIRY: False Prophets do not like you probing and asking them questions about what they preach. They don't want you to figure them out, so they don't entertain any questions from you at all. They just want you to accept what they say hook, line and sinker. They twist and misinterprete the Bible to deceive the gullible. Even Jesus Christ was questioned and He answered. If God could answer Abraham's questions who are you not to be questioned? Any pastor you can't question is definitely an agent of satan. Watch out for these signs.

Going by research, a large percentage of women are usually the victims of these false prophets. Maybe because women are emotional beings and the weaker vessels, I still don't understand why women fall prey easily to these agents of satan. Men should begin to intercede and pray for our women (mothers, wives & sisters). Billions of women are in Hell today because of these false prophets. As a man you need to stop fooling around, take your position as the spiritual head of the home, begin to study God's word and get closer to Him. If you don't do this, a false prophet will take your position and lead your family astray.

May God begin to open your eyes as you depart from these agents of satan and move into the righteousness of God. May you receive wisdom and be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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