FRSC training camps may open on Monday 5th June, 2023.


You are required to provide the following; NIN enrollment, medical fitness from govt hospital, white bedsheet, white pillow case, white T Shirt (polo) round neck, white shorts, white canvass, cutlass, church cloth, track suit, bucket, spoon, plate, cup, blanket etc. 8 passports with white T shirt on red background for officers and blue background for MI and RMA ie OND, NCE and Waec/SSCE. Officers in the south Nigeria will train at FRSC academy udi while others in kotongora. 450MIs will train in Owa Alero Delta state while others in kotongora. 1000RMAs including 500 driver's will train in shendam camp while others in kotongora in Niger state. You will be communicated officially via your email but this is to get you ready on time. You have been guided.


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