Kelvin Mutwiwa's Rise: A Youthful Odyssey as Head of Communications for Machakos Governor

Embarking on the role of Head of Communications for Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti has been a transformative journey for Kelvin Mutwiwa, particularly given his youthful age. In a candid conversation with the media on Friday, March 10, the University of Nairobi graduate reflected on his eight-year odyssey, recounting the highs and lows of working closely with Governor Wavinya.

Mutwiwa's connection with Wavinya dates back to 2015 when he was still a student at the University of Nairobi's School of Journalism. Hired by Wavinya, then a former MP of Kathiani Constituency, Mutwiwa was entrusted with the task of managing her social media platforms.

Balancing the rigors of student life with the demands of Wavinya's bustling schedule presented an initial hurdle for Mutwiwa. His early experiences on the job were characterized by fatigue, hunger, exhaustion, and financial constraints. However, his resilience prevailed as he continued to accompany Wavinya in her public engagements.

Earning the Governor's trust over time, Mutwiwa ascended to the role of Head of Communications. In this pivotal position, he recognizes the paramount importance of safeguarding Wavinya's public image, especially in the face of malicious campaigns attempting to undermine her eloquence and education.

Reflecting on a specific incident, Mutwiwa recounted a public apology he had to make after posting a photo of Governor Wavinya in an outfit that drew social media criticism. Despite such challenges, Mutwiwa remains unwavering in his commitment, acknowledging the influential role of media in shaping Wavinya Ndeti's public perception.

Offering a glimpse into the governor's personality behind the scenes, Mutwiwa describes Wavinya as a perfectionist and a stringent leader dedicated to the success of her endeavors. While she exudes determination, he highlights her compassionate side, noting her penchant for engaging with society by attending weddings, church services, and various ceremonies during her free time.

In conclusion, Mutwiwa encapsulates his experience by underscoring Governor Wavinya Ndeti's qualities as a go-getter and a courageous woman, firmly committed to realizing her goals with resolute determination.


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