Oldest Person in the US,a Woman Dies at 115.

According to a funeral parlor, an Iowa woman who was thought to be the oldest person in the US passed away this week. 


Bessie Hendricks passed away on Tuesday in Lake City, Iowa, at the age of 115, according to the Lampe and Powers Funeral Home. 


According to her published obituary, Hendricks was born on November 7, 1907, as Bessie Laurena not far from Auburn, Iowa. The Gerontology Research Group claims that at the time of her death, she was the oldest American resident. 


Before getting married to Paul Hendricks in 1930, more than ten years before the US entered World War II, she was employed as a teacher. 1995 saw the passing of her spouse of 65 years. 


Up until the age of 102,Hendricks remained a resident of her own house until she was 102 years old, at which point she transferred to a senior living facility where she remained until her passing. 


Two of her five children had already passed away. There are 26 great-grandchildren and 14 grandchildren left behind for Hendricks. 


At his mother's 115th birthday celebration in November of last year, Leon Hendricks' son said to CNN affiliate KCCI, "Family came first to Mom, always." 


According to the Gerontology Research Group, Edie Ceccarelli, a 114-year-old resident of California, is currently the oldest person currently living in the US.

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