The most expensive masquerade in Igbo land must read

Mmanwu Ugo is an elegant masquerade. It is one of the most expensive masquerades to showcase in Igbo land. The Ugo masquerade like any other animal-spirit masquerade (Atu, Mmanwu Odum, Agu lyi, etc.) embodies both the mannerisms and significance of the ugo bird (African eagle). Eagles are highly respected birds in Igbo land. You will likely only see the Ugo masquerade displaying on big occasions like ofalas. It is a wonder to behold, from its subtle and graceful dance steps to the moment it drops to the floor to lay an egg - WONDER!


A lot of people have called for such beautiful cultural heritage to be promoted and showcased to the world. The eagle masquerede was said to have been paraded during the Ofala Nkpor in Anambra state.

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