Think Big, Dreamwide and Be self Centered

Think big, Dreamwide and be self centered 

It’s not a thought of a man that makes a man but how he thinks; the school of thought he enrolled and the perspective of that school. You can overwhelm defeat in your life by thinking right; you can also win in your mind regardless of the overwhelming floods of negative thoughts in your mind. All you need is health school of thought.

In life there are many voices that will speak to you, but what you say in private recess of your mind makes viable difference. A transformed mind is not excused from fear but it’s stopped from being a victim of it. Life doesn’t become better when things change but life becomes better when you change. Today life can give you a slap, but don’t give it up by throwing your towel in the ring for things gone wrong. When everything seams sour not in your favour, look around until you get the right flavor.

 It’s not always about where you live how and why and when you live. But setting on a powerful mind of what you want to be, having the power will bring you precisely to where you want.

The path that we travel can be like far sweeping sea- one moment to come soothing and the next ranging and battering everything around you. Don’t be scared, have the strength and courage to overcome the whole storm.

Nevertheless, let’s not spent a lot of time listening to the society because the society is an insane breed that will only do nothing but humiliate you. Guessing you are a dreamer, dreamers don’t live to die soon, wake up and follow your dreams and forget about the wrath of the society. 

It is idealistic you cannot change the world but you can present the world with one–improved person-“YOURSELF”. You can go to work yourself and make yourself into the kind of a person you admire and respect. You can become you model and set standards for others. You can control and discipline to resist acting or speaking in a negative way towards anyone for no reason. You can insist on doing things the loving way rather than the hurting way and thus you head toward becoming an exception human being.

Though, honestly, people are unreasonable, illogical and self centered, if you do good people will accuse you of selfish interior motives, but do good always anyway.

It’s a stigma that when you are successful, you win false friend and true enemies; the good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow; people will always favour underdogs; but never give up, follow only top dogs.

Consequently, set your mind wisely on what you want, have choices and take precise actions and you will constantly fulfill your vision to life.

It’s always easy to fight when everything is right, easy to cheer when victory is near so fight the good fight and truly believe in your mission. Greet life with cheer, let the world be the better place for you and at last when you die, let this be your cry.



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