We want to buy your movie ideas.

Are you a writer? Do you have a movie idea or scripts to sell? Learn how and where to sell your movie ideas for cash. Get a copy of the training manual today. Once they get a good idea, screenwriters can milk it for everything it is worth, crafting a solid dramatic structure, writing dialog that rings true and creating three dimensional characters. That is their gift. But they don’t always have the best concept for a film. Students are often shocked to learn that Shakespeare lifted the plots for every one of his plays except The Tempest. If the greatest dramatist in Western literature felt the need to borrow ideas, screenwriters can be excused as well. The Standard price of a good script or story is $5,000-$50,000. This Book is a fused compendium of a 15 year research in the movie industry on a universal scale. If you are seeking direct access to Film Makers, Agents and Movie Investors, this is the book you must read.

Marketplace of Ideas

Welcome. We created this E-Book to accomplish one goal, and that is help you develop ideas for film or television that we can sell (on your behalf and with your permission) to Hollywood. We hope this E-Book will entertain, educate and inspire you. But mostly we hope you will come up with great story ideas and send them to us.

You might wonder how you could possibly have a chance to sell an idea to Hollywood. After all, Isn’t show business one of the most hotly competitive arenas on earth?

Are there not thousands of fiercely ambitious souls fighting for the same opportunity? The answer is yes–show business is competitive. As the joke goes, in Hollywood your friends are the ones who stab you in the front. But…Hollywood insiders do not have a monopoly on good ideas. Good ideas are like lightning – they can and do strike anywhere. Despite how cliquish the movie and television industries are, they still depend on good ideas. Furthermore, when a good idea walks in the door, no one in Hollywood cares where it came from. They just want to own it.

What is a Good Idea?

That is the multi-million naira question. We could go into longwinded definitions, but the simplest and most honest is this: you know one when you hear one. Consider this story idea:

Two women undergo in-vitro treatments at a fertility clinic. The good news is both become pregnant. The bad news is they were accidentally impregnated with each other’s embryos. So they move in together to make sure the other behaves properly during pregnancy. An odd couple, they clash comically.

That’s a great idea for a film. When you hear it, you instantly know it’s good. If you have an idea that fresh and full of potential, you can sell it to Hollywood.

Don’t I Need Connections?

Connections are essential. Having a good idea isn’t enough. You need a way to present that idea to the people who can buy it. More to the point, you need someone who knows how to pitch an idea so that studios or producers will want it. That is where we come in. We will review any ideas you submit to us. The next chapter explains in detail about the movie industry and how we can sell ideas from all quarters to Hollywood. This is not a new venture, what is new is the global reach of the Internet. Now anyone anywhere on earth can be “struck by lightning” and have a chance to sell their idea. Perhaps you already have a story idea. Or several. Maybe you have been walking around with one for years. Now you have a chance to do something with it.

Why you don’t need to be a writer.

A great script requires two things: a great idea and a great writer to write it. The talent to write a screenplay is rare. Dramatic writing is one of the most difficult forms. That much is well known, but this may come as a surprise:

Talented writers don’t always have the best original ideas for movies.

Students are often shocked to learn that Shakespeare lifted the plots for every one of his plays except The Tempest. If the greatest dramatist in Western literature felt the need to borrow ideas, screenwriters can be excused as well.

Once they get a good idea, screenwriters can milk it for everything it is worth, crafting a solid dramatic structure, writing dialog that rings true and creating three dimensional characters. That is their gift. But they don’t always have the best concept for a film.

Hollywood studios know this. That’s why they buy ideas from various sources—if it’s good, they will write a check, regardless of where the idea originated. Once they own the idea, they will assign it to an experienced writer and hope for a wonderful script. So non-writers do have a place in the movie industry. If you can think of a story that would make an entertaining film, then you have something valuable. If you only have part of a story that would make an entertaining film, you still have something valuable.

What you need to know.

A good idea is a good idea. In one sense, that’s all you need to know. But we think it helps to understand a little bit about how the movie and television businesses function, how movie stories are constructed and how you can find and refine your own story ideas. These are subjects we will cover in subsequent chapters.

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