Zoomer app is going offline

After almost three years of grinding, Abdulmugis, the founder of Zoomer social network, has announced that he will be shutting down the app. Zoomer, which was created as an alternative to Twitter for Nigerians, has gained a substantial following in the country, but the founder has now decided to move on from the venture.

Abdulmugis stated that more details about the shutdown will be forthcoming, but he did not give a specific timeline for when the app will be taken offline. He has expressed his gratitude to all of the users who supported Zoomer during its time in operation.

While it is always disappointing to see a promising startup shut down, it is important to remember that entrepreneurship is a risky endeavor. Many startups fail, and even those that succeed often face significant challenges along the way. The fact that Abdulmugis was able to bootstrap Zoomer for almost three years is a testament to his dedication and hard work.

In the end, the decision to shut down Zoomer is likely a difficult one for Abdulmugis. However, it is also an opportunity for him to take what he has learned from this experience and apply it to future ventures. As the Nigerian startup scene continues to grow, there will be many more opportunities for talented entrepreneurs like Abdulmugis to make their mark.

As for the users of Zoomer, it is unclear what alternatives they will turn to now that the app is shutting down. However, there are many other social networks and messaging apps available that could fill the void left by Zoomer. It is likely that many of the app's users will simply move on to other platforms.

Overall, the shutdown of Zoomer is a reminder that entrepreneurship is a challenging and risky pursuit. However, it is also a reminder of the incredible potential that exists in the Nigerian startup scene, and the talented individuals who are working to build the next generation of innovative companies.

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