Christmas tallest Christmas tree

 On November 24, 1950, officials at the newly built Northgate Center in Seattle, Washington lighted the world's tallest Christmas tree. This impressive feat was accomplished as a way for the mall, which was one of the first of its kind in the United States, to put itself on the map and make a lasting impression on the community.


For years during the 20th century, communities across the country had held "world's largest" contests where local products and creations were showcased in extra-large sizes and billed as the biggest of their kind. This included Christmas trees, and in 1949, the city of Bellingham had proudly displayed what it claimed was the world's tallest Christmas tree.


As Christmas approached in 1950, the Northgate Center wanted to make its own mark by hoisting an even taller tree, and it succeeded in doing so by erecting a 212-foot-tall marvel. Charles Beech of Auburn was hired as the lead contractor for the project, and he spent considerable time searching for the perfect tree. He eventually found a Douglas fir that was estimated to be 286 or 287 years old and weighed approximately 50,000 pounds. The tree was located on Weyerhaeuser holdings about 30 miles east of Enumclaw, and it took a full day to cut it down and transport it to the mall.


As of 2022, the Northgate Center's Christmas tree still holds the record as the world's tallest cut Christmas tree. It remains a memorable and impressive symbol of the holiday season for the community and serves as a testament to the ingenuity and determination of those who brought it to life.

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